I am totally loving and hating the whole custom home building process. There are soooo many decisions to make that seem like (at the time anyways) the most important decision in the world. Like which way your doors are going to open for instance to get you in and out of the bathroom...or what paint colors to put on the wall...haha! I know we're making it much harder than it needs to be and luckily our builder Scott Britton has been awesome working with us through it all, but I am ready to be done with making decisions and just getting to enjoy the end product! Because I just love the way the house is coming along! My favorite parts so far...the exterior looks so nice...lots of angles which really just give it a lot of character! The openness between the kitchen and great room! The wood ceiling he is doing in the kitchen and our bedroom! The stone fireplace! The covered deck! Wood floors throughout! The amazing trim tile I found for our shower! The claw foot tub in our master bath! Oh my!! I just can't wait for it all to come together! (I realize that is probably a way overuse of the exclamation point, but I just don't care...haha). It is going to be a beautiful house and I just can't wait till we get to live in it. It probably doesn't hurt anything that I also can't wait to get out of this apartment...everything here is on the fritz...only half the burners on the stove work, the dryer doesn't work so we have to wash our clothes here and then dry them at the laundromat, and just this week the dishwasher went out. Hopefully the landlord can fix at least some of it, but I'm even more hopeful that our days here are numbered and we can move in to this beautiful house soon!!
Here are some pictures from today...
The Front
Great Room from kitchen
Kitchen from Great Room
Autumn's room
(hers is one of my favorites...the 11ft ceilings and that window seat...amazing!)
Master Bedroom
Great Room Vault

In other news...Autumn and I had a fun week...with two "firsts" for her. Yesterday we went to see a free movie at the local movie theater. She's obviously seen movies, but never in the theater before. They were showing Despicable Me which neither one of us had seen and she did great. It was such a cute movie and she sat on my lap and watched the WHOLE thing! It was so much fun. And then today we took her bowling! She did great...I only beat her by 4 points (I won't tell you how bad I bowled...haha). Below is a movie of her efforts...I won't show the ones where Jacob didn't give it an extra "push"...because they are about twice as long! They all made it down to the pins though...so no rescue missions! She did at one point decide she needed to chase after her ball to get a redo and quickly learned why not to do that as she was flat on her back in no time! Oops...that was the last time she crossed the line! It was such a fun time...and we just learned she can bowl one game free every day all summer at the bowling alley just up the street. So we'll have to go get some more practice :o)
I think that's about it for now. Autumn and I are headed out tomorrow for two whole weeks in St. Louis and I can't wait! It will be great to see family and friends again!!
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