It seemed winter was NEVER going to end here in Tennessee (and the rest of the world it sounds like), but finally the weather is warming up, the trees are turning green, and there are flowers everywhere! I love it! I absolutely love this time of year...especially after a long dreary winter. Autumn and I have been out and about a lot...our favorite new spot is definitely Warriors Path State Park. It's a great park about 5 minutes away with a huge playground, a beautiful lake, some running paths,'s just perfect. We even go in the evening with Jacob sometimes and Autumn and Jacob play while I run :o) And yesterday they had a free little music program in the outdoor's so nice being able to be outside enjoying the sunshine and 70 degree weather...what could be better? Here are a few pictures of the park...

A few weeks ago our new friends invited Autumn and I to join them at a cute little farm called Mini Meadows. There were goats, bunnies, miniature horses, cows, llamas, peacocks, etc. You got little feed buckets for the animals which was fun except the crazy goats attack you for it. Autumn was doing great feeding them all by herself until she got overrun by goats and pretty much dropped the bucket and ran. Ha! I remember a similar story about crazy goats from when I was little...I wanted nothing to do with them after they started eating my dress! think these animals were never fed or something, but I know that's not true! We all had fun holding the bunnies, seeing the baby chicks, and especially mining for gems! They give you a bucket of sand filled with all sorts of jewels like fools gold, diamonds (very pretty, but not the same as the kind they find in Africa), ruby, emerald, amethyst, etc and you have to put it through the water trough to flush them all out. Autumn loved finding all the pretty rocks :o) We had so much fun we're actually heading back tomorrow! Here are some pictures from the day...

This little baby goat was so liked the slide...
This was after the goats attacked...not so cute now... update on the's been a bit of a slow start, but hopefully things will start picking up soon as we are more than eager to get the heck out of our current cramped apartment. I am chomping at the bit to pick everything out and for it to start looking like more than a pile of dirt. They are ready to lay the block for the basement and will hopefully start framing next week...then once it's under roof hopefully things will move along quickly without any spring showers slowing it down. Here are some pictures (the last one we took tonight)...
What a cool park! And, yeah, definitely missing you guys after seeing those pics. :( She's grown up so much since I saw you last! Ah, those kids. Thankful for the update though. Keep them coming!! :)