Last Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day in that made the cold dreary winter seem almost worthwhile as we all start dreaming of the impending spring!! The skies were a gorgeous shade of blue and although it was only in the upper 40s the warm sunshine on your face made it feel so much warmer!

This weekend we are off to the fabulous Paris, France! My 1/2 Marathon is on Sunday and I'm kinda freaking out. Not about the race exactly, but that I am going to turn up sick before then. Autumn has been sick all week with 101-103 temps. We went to the doctor yesterday and she has the flu :o( And Jacob has been fighting a nasty cold/flu bug for a few weeks now. I have been sneezing all day and my nose is like a faucet, but if I feel like this on Sunday, I'll be fine...I'll just bring some kleenex. I'm just petrified I'm going to wake up tomorrow or Sunday and feel rotten and all that cuddling with my sick little sweetie this week is going to have caught up with me! Ugh...Sunday really needs to hurry up so I can make it through without catching either of these monstrosities! Say a prayer! It's so hard to train for several months for something and then get so close without being to complete it. I really want to run this race!!
In other news...we got fired from our shared babysitter this week :o( She decided all of a sudden that she wanted 14 euros an hour instead of 8 since there were two kids instead of one. Our friend had negotiated the price up front and told her there would be 2-3 kids, but for some reason now she decided she wants more money. My friend Donatienne is quite upset with her and I think is actively looking for her maybe I'll have my Friday mornings off again in the future, but for now Autumn and I get to hang out :o)
Hopefully on Monday I'll have good news and I'll have made it through the weekend and the race without being sick!! And will of course have some more pictures of the eiffel tower to share!!
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