Last Saturday was the Christmas party at the American Women's club. I volunteered to help...which entailed cutting out some foam crafts for the kids and helping with a little set up...oh and making a dessert for the event. Nothing too big, but it was a fun way to spend time with some of the lovely ladies at the club. The party went over really well...especially because Santa was there and handed out presents to all the kids! Autumn got a Russian Nesting doll...which has been taken away for awhile because she likes to slam it on the ground and has almost chipped it on more than one occasion :o) So for now it will just be a decoration in her room.

All she really wanted to do during the party though was climb all the staircases in the house (and there are a lot!). Lots of Daddy - Daughter bonding time as he chased her all over the place!

Then Sunday we stopped by the Brussels Christmas Market...although somehow we missed half of it as we never saw the ice rink or ferris wheel...maybe we'll head back down there this weekend while Bruce, Jacob friend, is in town. He was working in London this week and was able to make a quick pop over to Brussels for a visit. So we might just have to force him to do some Christmas Marketing with us :o) I wonder if he can be bribed with a nice warm, melt in your mouth, waffle...hehe :o)
And the rest of this week has just flown so many of them do! Monday we did some Christmas shopping, Tuesday we went to our first MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) meeting at our church...where we had a cookie exchange and learned about some wonderful Christmas tradition ideas that help really put the meaning of CHRISTmas back in to the season. Then we stopped over at Ali and Reagan's house to say one final good-bye...sigh! We are really going to miss them...they've been so very helpful in making us feel welcome here and really helping us find our place in this whole crazy adventure...but I guess such is the life of an expat...unfortunately most of us are only here a short time...and although good-byes are hard we are just happy to have this opportunity to spend time with so many new people...even if only for a short time.
Then on Wednesday we went to Galipette for the first's a children's play place of sorts. We are considering taking Autumn there at some point for some fun play time away from give me a few hour break once a week...and to give her the opportunity to spend some time on her own interacting with other kids and adults. And let me tell you...she LOVED it!! She cried when it was time to leave! I haven't decided though if it is going to become part of our weekly routine as it takes at least a half hour to get there by train (when it's gross outside) and is a forty minute walk from here. So by the time I drop off and pick her up I've lost pretty much all the free time. We may just have to try it for awhile though...especially during the winter when we won't be at the parks as often...and because I think she would really enjoy it.
And today we had Liz and her two daughters over for a playdate. It was fun chatting away while the girls played...and even better that we didn't have to leave the house :o) Tomorrow is our last music class of the semester. Despite all our friends taking their kids to Ding Dong music (the English speaking music class) Autumn and I have decided to stay in the French one for now. We really like it...and it's walking distance for us which is great! And even if we don't understand what they are saying most of the time...we can still interact and dance along and be silly as if we do :o) Plus all the Mom's in the class are super nice and speak great English. Hopefully our next class will be equally as we're moving up to Autumn's age group next time....which means all new kids and parents.
I think that's about it for now...I need to finish my online Christmas shopping. And finish preparing my list of ALL the many, many things I need to pick up while we're back home...I think I already have over 20 items on the list...oh my! Mostly things that are just impossible to find here...or way more expensive kids sneakers...they don't seem to exist here! Poor Autumn has totally outgrown all her shoes! We're cramming her feet in to the last few pairs, but I'm sure she will appreciate some that actually fit! Have I mentioned I can't wait to go home...haha...only a few more days!!
I think that's about it for now...I need to finish my online Christmas shopping. And finish preparing my list of ALL the many, many things I need to pick up while we're back home...I think I already have over 20 items on the list...oh my! Mostly things that are just impossible to find here...or way more expensive kids sneakers...they don't seem to exist here! Poor Autumn has totally outgrown all her shoes! We're cramming her feet in to the last few pairs, but I'm sure she will appreciate some that actually fit! Have I mentioned I can't wait to go home...haha...only a few more days!!
Sounds like Christmas is just as wonderful there as it is back here in Missouri! :-) Looking forward to seeing you and Autumn!!!