We knew we had to take a trip to Luxembourg at some point since it's so close...and I had read that Fall was the perfect setting to see the beautiful fall colors on the trees. I've heard in Brussels the leaves pretty much turn brown and fall off the trees...although even as I'm writing this I'm staring out the window at a brilliant yellow tree just across the street. So although Belgium is not full of beautiful fall colors the way Missouri is, there is still atleast some hint of fall around us.
It is just about a 2 hour trip to Luxembourg City, which luckily Autumn slept through most of...and we made it there just in time to have a picnic lunch...in our CAR. It was somewhat chilly out today...so we opted to eat lunch in the car and enjoy a little more warmth before we headed out. Here's Autumn chowing down on her hamburger...she ate pretty much a quarter pounder by herself...that girl can sure eat!
Then after lunch we headed out to see the sights...which apparently there aren't really that many :o) The main attraction we were looking for is really this beautiful valley that runs through the center of the city called the Petrusse Valley...we were hoping it would be full of amazing reds, oranges, and yellows, but unfortunately the leaves there hadn't changed all that much either :o( There was some color for sure, but not as much as we hoped. We wandered around some...found a "flea market" type event...walked down to the bottom of the grand valley, went over and under the bridges, saw the train station, a church, a clock tower...the usual. I would say Luxembourg is a nice place to visit, but probably not at the top of my travel must see lists. Maybe it will change my mind when we venture back there to meet Jacob's cousin sometime soon, but we'll see.
Here are some pictures from the day...

Stay tuned...hopefully more countries to come soon!!
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