Monday, February 14, 2011

Belgium or Bust!

That's you've probably heard Jacob, Autumn, and I are moving to Brussels Belgium!! It's crazy to think in just a few short months we will be living across the "pond" as they say :o) Our lives will be forever changed as we pack up our most prized belongings, downsize our possessions, and head off for the adventure of a lifetime! As soon as Jacob's company offered him the opportunity to live and work abroad for two years the decision was really quite simple...there was no way we were going to let an opportunity like this pass us by. We had talked about the possibility of it when he started working at Solutia, but talking is one thing...actually doing it is quite another! So when the day-dreaming became a reality we had some serious discussions about what made sense for our family. Ultimately we determined the timing couldn't be better and that we were ready to take a leap of faith and pull up the St. Louis roots and head off on a European adventure. We know there will be some learning a new language (they speak French and Dutch in Brussels...and the extent of my French vocabulary is currently "bonjour" and the very important "Parlez-vous anglais?"), navigating our way around a new city, and being homesick without the support network of our friends and family nearby. But we also couldn't be more excited about living somewhere new and different, traveling ALL over Europe (ummm...the eiffel tower is an hour and a half train ride from Brussels...WOW!! If you know me, you know I am obsessed with the eiffel tower and I've never even been I can't imagine how head over heels in love with it I'll be after actually seeing it!) and just growing even stronger as a family as we experience all of these adventures together! It's going to be a crazy ride...and I hope to document as much of it as I possibly can check back often to see what we're up to!

1 comment:

  1. Bonsoir, ma cherie!!!

    My fellow Maureen, I couldn't be more thrilled or psyched about your upcoming move if it was my own. And you KNOW how much I love Europe, so I'm DEFINITELY going to find a reason to swing through Brussels and check you out in your new environment. We'll go out to eat and I'll use my bad French! LOL!!

    Big-time congrats, my dear -- and I'll see YOU on the other side of the pond!

    The Other Maureen
